51.4009° N, 3.5523° W - Nash Point, Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales

I never would have thought that the beach I grew up on as a little girl was going to lead me to walk in the right direction. Summer holidays as a family, we would struggle down the cobbled beach with our huge cool box and the body boards, to find the flattest rock to sit on for the day - Welcome to Nash Point!

I moved away, hit the London bustle head on, believed I had to be there to be successful and over time lost my connection with the Sea and being outdoors. I was brought back and was reminded how happy it made me, how rain or shine the views would make me smile, how the sound of the waves would be calming, how the sea air would leave me feeling energised and however cold the water was, that rush would give me a feeling of completeness! I knew I couldn’t leave again, and this time instead of just taking I wanted to give back.

Creating Môrglas was my way to stay connected with nature and help change the rules of protecting our environment. If I was going to commit I needed to take every step in making sure I gave as much as I took. Being able to create a sustainable, 100% authentic, Organic brand is my way in helping and finally contributing to looking after my biggest love, the Sea. If I could make my mark after being inspired by what I love, I knew calmness and the feeling of completeness could possibly be a way of life.

To slow down is one of the hardest tasks for us all. To take a breath and feel what it is we are meant to feel is something we all struggle with. The balance, the control and freedom the sea gives us is taken for granted and forgotten about when we follow what we think, we are suppose to do.

You can wear Môrglas knowing our standards and consistent aim to protect, is at the forefront of what Môrglas stands for. If you can’t create something with love and passion then how can you ask anyone to jump on board to follow, and be guided.

We love our brand, we love what we stand for and want you to join us.

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